ImageColorAnalysisTool-图像颜色分析工具-Matlab GUI版
Image Color Analysis Tool
An image tool for color clustering based on K-means.
You can get the last version from Release page or download from Mathworks File Exchanges .
Double click on Image Color Analysis Tool.mlappinstall
to install the application, and you can find it in Matlab>App
1. Open image
to select a image.
2. Set color number
Click Analysis>Set Cluster Number
to set cluster number for k-means clustering.
3. Analysis
Click Analysis>Run
to start analysis the color distribution.
4. Result View
There are three panes:
: the image you import.Cluster
: the image after k-means clustering.Color Hist
: the histogram of main colors in image.
You can adjust Cluster Number
by comparing the image between Origin
and Cluster
Also, the color number in Color Histogram
can be adjust by the slider
5. Others
Other features:
File>Save>Cluster Image
: Export the cluster image.File>Save>Color Hist Image
: Export the figure of color histogram.
Source Code
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